anugerah pingat gangsa dari pada Life Saving Society of Malaysia (LSSM)

The Life Saving Society of Malaysia (LSSM), which began as the ' Royal Life Saving Society Malaysia Branch' was established in the year 1964. As early as 1927, a group of life savers had been trained in the Bronze Medallion under Mr. Lee Fong Lim at the Penang Chinese Swimming Club. The establishment of the RLSS Malaysian Branch marked the beginning of organised life saving in the country.
In 1961, the Earl Mountbatten of Burma, the Grand President of the RLSS Commonwealth Council, visited Kuala Lumpur and met up with Mr. Teoh Teik Lee who was then the local representative for the RLSS United Kingdom. His Lordship proposed the formation of an autonomous national life saving organisation that was consistent with the independent status of our country. This proposal also had the blessing of the then Prime Minister, Y.T.M. Tunku Abdul Rahman, who not only gave his full support but also consented to be the Patron of the society. Thus it came about that the early development of the RLSS Malaysian Branch was associated with two very illustrious names - the Earl Mountbatten of Burma and our beloved T.Y.M. Tunku Abdul Rahman.
The RLSS Malaysian Branch was formed in the inaugural meeting on 9TH December 1964. Mr. Teoh Teik Lee was elected the first President of the Society, a position he held for the next twelve years. Three years later, on 14TH February 1967, at Carcosa, the residence then of the British High Commissioner, the Society received its 'Instrument of Membership' to the RLSS Commonwealth Council from the Grand President, Earl Mountbatten of Burma. This auspicious ceremony, held under the patronage of T.Y.M. Tunku Abdul Rahman, was witnessed by dignitaries and representatives from the Commonwealth nations, including the Hon. Justice Joske, President RLSS Australia. Malaysia became the 5TH branch of the RLSS Commonwealth Council.
In the first year of operation the Society managed to train 50 life savers. Three years later, this annual total reached 500 and was doubled in 1970. Since then, the annual awards issued by the Society average a total of 2000.
In June 1976, Tan Sri Hamdan Sheikh Tahir, on his retirement as Director-General of Education, Malaysia, accepted an invitation to lead the Society, thus taking over from Mr. Teoh Teik Lee as President. In 1984, in keeping with national needs and aspirations, the title 'RLSS Malaysian Branch' was changed to 'Life Saving Society Malaysia' under a constitutional review. November 7TH 1988 ushered in a future of great promise with the official opening of the LSSM Headquarters by the Chief Commonwealth Secretary, Mr. John Taylor. Our search for a permanent secretariat and home was over.
On 1ST May 1989, Tan Sri Datuk Hamdan Sheikh Tahir was elevated to the high office of Head of State of Pulau Pinang as its Governor, and later conferred the title 'Tun', the nation's highest decoration, by our King, the Yang DiPertuan Agong. Our President invariably had to relinquish the Presidency of the Society to attend to State matters, and was succeeded by Datuk Mohamed Yeop Abdul Raof who was unanimously elected the third President of the LSSM at its Biennial General Meeting on 21ST May 1989. Dato' Mohammed Yeop stepped down as president in 2002 due to ill health. He was succeded by Dato' Ismail Shah Bodin as President in 2002 and who is still at the helm to this day. In 1989 as well, Tun Dato' Seri (Dr.) Haji Hamdan Sheikh Tahir honoured the Society by accepting the position of 'Honorary Life President'.
The future beckons towards achieving our ultimate goal - A life saver in every family.
