The Dohoi Ot Danum

The Dohoi Ot Danum live in Central Kalimantan. There are four branches of the Dohoi people, who live in a 300 km long area that is spread out from the source of the Melawi River to the source of the Barito River.The Dohoi are one of the people groups in the Barito cluster which is part of the larger Dayak ethno-linguistic cluster. Ot Danum is a generic term meaning "people who live in the upper regions along rivers." It covers a number of peoples who share a common myth of origin and who speak closely related dialects of the same language. The Dohoi Ot Danum have their own story about their origin. They believe that long ago two brothers and two sisters descended from the sky on top of a golden palangka (place of worship). The brothers traveled along the Kahayan River and the sisters along the Barito River. One day while hunting, the brothers saw some human footprints and began to follow them. The footprints lead them to the two sisters, and later they were married. One of the couples returned to Kahayan, and their descendants later became known as the Dohoi people.

Dayak Dohoi, is one of the Dayak tribe who settled in the area around the border of West and Central Kalimantan. Dayak tribe's settlement Dohoi some one in the province of Central Kalimantan and some others are in the province of West Kalimantan. Dohoi Dayak population is more than 100,000 people.Dayak Dohoi grouped into sub section Dayak Ot Danum. Settled in the border region of West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. Sintang Dohoi Dayak majority, especially in the district Ambalau with a population of more than 14,500 people according to the 1988 census.

Long ago, the famous Dohoi Logas, tohpas hohot, and nyolung osak sputum ah. Logas means "tempered", tohpas lohot means "no doubt that the decision to kill", and nyolung osak phlegm mean "people who do not know the slightest fear". In the past Dayak Dohoi have very loud behavior. They have principles, once ahpang ie "unsheathed saber", then abstinence sheathed before drinking human blood. Because of his character that then by other Dayak people who are around that area named them as Dohoi, to declare that "they are the people who Logas, tohpas lohot, and nyolung osak sputum ah".

In everyday society Dohoi tribes speak the language Dohoi included Barito language family.

Dohoi tribal villages inhabited between 100-400 people. Soil around each village (about 2-3 km away) are considered as belonging to the village. Each village has the right to sell the land if desired, but only to fellow villagers. Land remained vacant for more than five years can be owned by anyone in the village.

Sometimes Dohoi tribe also called Ot Danum tribe. The term "ot Danum" means "those who live in areas along the river". Their settlement stretches of river Melawi to the Barito river. Their settlements located in remote areas in the interior, so as to achieve a settlement rate this Dohoi could take days by boat through the river Lamandau.

Marriage between cousins ​​is preferred among Dohoi tribe. When it has reached agreement (agreement) by the elderly couple, the groom's family gives a symbolic gift to the bride's family. Giving both given when the engagement was announced. After the wedding took place, made payments to the bride.

People Dohoi mostly animists (believe that every object has a spirit) and polytheism (worship of many gods). But basically religious practice ranges between two gods, the one denoted by hornbills and water snakes.
Religious ceremonies can be simple events and parties that long. Residents ask for help Shaman (shaman) to treat their disease, which in practice often possessed by the spirit.

Dohoi livelihood is farming people in the field. They usually pounding rice in the evening, after a day of work in the fields. Pounding sound of the collision was greeted with joy laughter in every almost household. This is the uniqueness Dohoi tribe. Yields are stored in a special place called the ellipse, which is home made from one pole to avoid the rats. Their house is rectangular and set about 2-5 m above the ground with wooden poles (houses on stilts) with terraced stairs. Dogs, pigs, and chickens are their pets. They also raise cattle for slaughter at large celebrations. People Dohoi also famous in crafting hats, baskets, and they also hunt for locally

General Info
People Name General             Dayak, Dohoi Ot Danum
People Name in Country Dayak, Dohoi Ot Danum
Population in Indonesia          88,000
World Population                    88,000
Countries                                1(Indonesia Only)
Progress Scale                        3.2
Least-Reached                       No
Indigenous                             Yes
Alternate Names                   Dayak, Dohoi, Ot Danum 
Primary Religion: Ethnic Religions
Major Religion Percent
Buddhism                                             0.00 %
Christianity  (Evangelical 9.00 %)      14.00 %
Ethnic Religions                                  86.00 %
Hinduism                                             0.00 %
Islam                                                    0.00 %
Non-Religious                                     0.00 %
Other / Small                                       0.00 %
Unknown                                            0.00 %
Christian Segments  Percent
Anglican                                                   0.0 %
Independent                                             0.0 %
Orthodox                                                  0.0 %
Other Christian                                         0.0 %
Protestant                                                 100.0 %
Roman Catholic                                        0.0 %

What Are Their Lives Like?
The Dohoi are primarily rice farmers who also gather products from the forest such as resin, rubber, ironwood, and animal skins. Loin cloths are often worn for informal events while wrap-around skirts are worn on formal occasions. Dogs, pigs, and chickens are raised as domestic animals, and oxen are raised to be eaten for special celebrations. Water buffalo are kept separate from the village, because they can quickly become wild and endanger the inhabitants of the village.The Dohoi are well known as makers of woven hats, baskets, and floor mats. They make their own farming and hunting tools. The number of inhabitants in a village can range from 100 to 400 people. Their homes are square shaped and stand on wooden poles about 6-10 feet above the ground. The land around the village, up to 3-kilometers in radius, is considered village property. Every villager has the right to sell his land at any time but only to another villager. If land has not been planted for more than 5 years, another villager can claim it. Neighborhood relationships are different from one group to another. The best relationships occur between groups with the same dialect.Marriage between cousins is preferred among the Dohoi Ot Danum. When a marriage has been agreed upon between the parents of the engaged couple, the future groom's family will give a symbolic gift to the future bride's family. A second gift is given when the engagement is announced. Wedding gold is given after the wedding day.
What Are Their Beliefs?
The Dohoi Ot Danum are animists and polytheists. Their two most important gods take the form of a hornbill bird and a water snake. The Dohoi Ot Danum often perform various ceremonies. They depend on a dukun (shaman/healer/occultist) for healing when they are sick.
What Are Their Needs?
In times past the Dohoi Ot Danum lost much of their land as a result of attacks by neighboring headhunter tribes. In more recent times, the neighboring government of Malaysia has mistreated them. Today, some of the Dohoi still have a "slave complex" as a result of this long history of exploitation.
